DONT FORGET! birthdaySLAM!, celebrating slammaster Lisa's 18th birthday with lots of fun poetry, will be Saturday Dec 13th, 2003 @ 7:30 pm at Wadi cafe on the west side. Bring your poems, your party hats, and an apetite for birthday cake=) Also, keep in touch for updates about upcoming tryouts for the first national wadiSLAM! team! yup kids, looks like we maybe off to Nationals....Also look for a new layout on the site coming soon, along with pics, updated bios, and a story on poet scene in NYC from slammaster Lisa soon! wadiSLAM! is growing thanks to the wonderful support of everyone around E'ville who support us. Tell everyone about the birthdaySLAM!, and keep in touch. It just keeps gettin bigger and better baby! -Lisa
posted 10:52 PM
by Lisa
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Hope everyone was able to attend the past spookySLAM! IT WAS AMAZING! What an awesome amount of support from the community. The total attendance was 77 people, and it was standing room only at Wadi that night. We had an awesome slam and open mic. The winner of the spookySLAM! was junior at Signature School Luther Lewis. Hopefully his poetry will be up here soon. It was Luther's first slam, and he came in with a force. Great Job Luther. This next month, the slam has been rescheduled=( Sorry Kids. Everyone around was hella busy on the weekends, with speech meets and drama, so we are having a miniSLAM! on Tuesday November 18th at 5:30 p.m. It will be very laid back and fun, mostly open mic and fun, just a relaxing night of poetry to relaxe everyone from their crazy stressful lives=) So the next big slam will be on Saturday December 13th at 7:30 p.m. It will be the birthdaySLAM! (its on my 18th birthday woo!) and the theme will be celebration, since we are celebrating my birthday. So there's the theme, and as always, you don't have to write on the theme, its just a suggestion, fyi I probably won't write poetry about celebration so don't feel bad if you dont. Also wadiSLAM! is now officially up on PSI's website!!! Go to venues and Indiana and check it out! Also, checking the records, I am now holding the record for youngest registered slammaster! I started wadiSLAM! when I was 17! I have yet to tell PSI, but WOO! I know have a record...just a fun fact about good ole wadiSLAM! Well hope to see everyone at the miniSLAM! and birthdaySLAM! If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at Take Care Everyone! Check out the slam headlines page for a review of the spookySLAM! too! Bye
posted 12:13 PM
by Lisa
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