Updates from the Wadi Cafe poetry slam in Evansville, IN

Friday, December 12, 2003

Don't forget this weekend....birthdaySLAM! @ Wadi Cafe Saturday 7:30 pm!!! Lots of cake, slam poetry, and fun. So stop by, get some coffee to warm you up from the cold, and enjoy a nice dose of slam poetry...till then kids...-Lisa
posted 8:54 AM by Lisa

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Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Hello Everyone and Happy Holiday season!
Well, I'm right now doing a last minute post before I'm off to college visits in Chicago, Boston, and New York! Thought I'd post on the way out and wish everyone a happy belated Thanksgiving and Seasons Greetings. DONT FORGET! BIRTHDAYSLAM! DECEMBER 13th (SATURDAY) @ WADI CAFE 7:30 PM! Be there for lots of fun! The theme is celebration, but as always, your poetry doesnt have to include the theme, its just a suggestion...Well I hope to see everyone there...Now I'm off, everyone keep your fingers crossed that I have good weather, if I'm on the East side in NYC, I'll be at Greenbergs buying Rachael Goldman schekling or however you spell it=) See ya guys later! -Lisa
posted 9:12 AM by Lisa

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